Cauliflower Steak Anyone?
Let’s be realistic, there is actually no steak in cauliflower steak. Sorry to let you down so soon, but let’s just get that out of the way. Cauliflower is a great substitution for high carb ingredients like dough, cous cous, or mashed potatoes.
Technically you could get cauliflower all year long, but the best season for it is in the spring. It falls into the cabbage family and it is more difficult to plant than most of the cabbages just due to the fact that it can’t handle climates that are too hot or cold. So, if you were thinking of planting any cauliflower, start planning to plant the seeds in the spring and keep the temperature around 60 degrees. If not, it will bloom too fast.
Without further a-do here is the recipe for my cauliflower steak.
So here are the ingredients you need:
-Head of cauliflower
-Olive oil
-Garlic clove
Step 1. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
Step 2. In a bowl pour in some olive oil, lime juice, lemon juice, and crushed garlic (you can use garlic powder if you don’t have fresh garlic). Mix it and leave it to the side.
Step 3. Wash your cauliflower and take off the leaves at the stem.
Step 4. Put a skillet on the stove at medium heat.
Step 5. Cut the cauliflower in half and then cut 1” slices all the way through the stem (the stem will keep the cauliflower together. Without it, it will crumble).
Step 6. Wipe one side of the cauliflower with the olive oil mixture and season with paprika and salt.
Step 7. Put a little bit of olive oil in the skillet and slowly put the seasoned side of the cauliflower face down. Cook each side for 6 minutes.
Step 8. Season the unseasoned side of the cauliflower in the skillet the same way you did before.
Step 9. Flip cauliflower and let it sit for another 6 minutes.
Step 10. Take out a baking sheet and spray the pain with non-stick spray (we use Trader Joe’s coconut oil spray but you can use whatever is available).
Step 11. Take the cauliflower off the skillet and place it on the baking sheet. Cover it with aluminum foil and put it in the oven for 20 minutes.
Step 12. Remove the cauliflower steaks from the oven. Uncover it and let it sit for 2 minutes to cool down.
Step 13. Enjoy the GREATNESS!!!