“Why Long Term Goals Don't Work for Me!”
WOOHOO!! 2016! It’s here and it’s a new start (break out into my happy dance, maybe a little worm action). Bahaha! This is the time of year most people are trying to implement something new into their lives to make this year different from the last. In the past, Victoria and I have created vision boards on new years day and I’m not going to lie, it was actually pretty darn fun. We’d highlight all the places we planned on traveling to, we would declare our big, audacious goals (individual and together), and we’d write down inspiring affirmations. But for me there was just one problem, I’d set these sweet goals and not accomplish half of them. In my head I’m thinking, “What the French, Toast?!” BUT, because of my failure I have learned something. I work better with smaller goals that I can see and adjust month to month. Here is what I mean.
For 2016, Victoria and I set up 5 goals for this month only that are obtainable in the short-term, yet add towards a larger goal. Out of the 5 small goals, I have achieved 3 so far and I'm not stopping there. BOOM! All it takes is a little momentum. Here is a little quote from an article in forbes.com, “The reasoning behind this is quite simple. You need momentum, and nothing builds momentum like getting a few wins under your belt.” I could not agree more.
It all starts with believing you are capable of something greater and knowing you can bridge the gap between today and a big dream by doing the small things first. So here are 5 simple steps that are working for me, as well as a picture of my goals. You can see the checks next to the ones I have done already. IT FEELS SO GOOD TO CHECK IT OFF!!
1. Review what you want to accomplish by the end of the year.
2. Identify one smaller goal that applies to the big picture and that you know you can absolutely do this month.
3. Put it somewhere you can look at often so it’s front of mind.
4. Plan your daily to-do list around executing one goal at a time.
5. Check them off as you go and feel the momentum build!
6. Reassess and reestablish new goals before each month begins.
Small Goals for January.