The Delicious Delicata Squash
Out of all the squashes, I think this is our favorite.
It is the easiest to prepare and it has a slight nutty taste with a little bit of crunch from the skin. NUM NUM’S!!!
Here is my delicata squash recipe:
-Delicata squash
-1 Tsp Olive oil
-Salt & Peper
Step 1: Pre heat the oven to 420 degrees and put aluminum foil on top of a non-stick baking sheet.
Step 2: Wash your delicata squash and cut the ends off.
Step 3: Cut the delicata squash in half and scoop out all the seeds.
Step 4: Cut the delicata squash into 1/2 inch pieces (they should look like stars).
Step 5: Place the pieces onto the baking sheet and sprinkle salt & pepper and drizzle the olive oil. Mix it all around until each piece is completely covered.
Step 6: Separate them on the baking sheet, so they are not touching each other and stick it in the oven for 12 mins.
Step 7: Once the 12 mins are up, take them out of the oven and flip them (it should have a slight char or brownness to the side that was down). Put them back into the oven for another 12 mins.
Step 8: Take them out and let it sit for about 2min. Then, it’s time for my favorite part. TIME TO CHOW DOWN!!